UX Leader & Problem-Solver

I currently lead the UX research & design organization at Costco Travel, where we thoughtfully craft experiences for 100m+ users. Previously, I led design and development teams for Adobe.

I find satisfaction in designing delightful products that improve users' lives, driving innovative visions with multi-million dollar results, and helping others achieve their full creative potential.



Self-Service Cancellations

At the height of the COVID pandemic, my team enabled Costco Travel's members to self-service cancel their trips and get refunds and credits on our website. My team reduced cancellation calls to the call center by over 75%.


Search Widget Improvements

When search rates dropped lower than business targets, my team made user-centered design changes to Costco Travel's search widget. My team implemented an A/B testing practice and improved search rates by nearly 10%.


Promoting Login Behavior

Partners weren't logging in to access permissioned content on Adobe's Consumer & Business Connection. My team designed improvements to encourage login boosting permissioned content downloads by 60%.


Boosting Learning Completions

Learners described Adobe's learning platforms as unwelcoming and uninspired. My team improved the platform and increased engagement and completion rates to over 95% - Adobe's highest-ever.


“Pay attention to what users do, not what they say.”
Jakob Nielsen


“Simple is hard. Easy is harder. Invisible is hardest.”
Jean-Louis Gassée


“The best kind of design isn’t necessarily an object, a space or a structure: it’s a process – dynamic and adaptable.”
Don Norman

“Design isn’t crafting a beautiful textured button with breathtaking animation. It’s figuring out if there’s a way to get rid of the button altogether.”
Edward Tufte

“Experts are rarely insulted by something that is clear enough for beginners. Everybody appreciates clarity.”
Steve Krug

“Relationships happen in experiences.”
Nathan Shedroff

“Observing is the fuel to innovating, ultimately.”
Mark Parker

“A good user experience isn’t necessarily that far removed from a poor user experience. It can be small, subtle differences that can have a huge impact.”
Nathanael Boehm